Thursday, June 16, 2011

Lauren's Birthday? That calls for the Sugarcubes' Birthday

Happy Birthday Lauren!

In 1988, the Sugarcubes from Iceland debuted an album called Life's Too Good and the 'big' hit was Birthday. Perhaps you remember it. The Sugarcubes are Bjork's original band. This video is the English version and truth be told, the Icelandic version is better, but the English version has a video with shots of Reykjavik and they have an interesting birthday party in the Blue Lagoon at 2:35.

Also shown at 1:41 is KeriĆ° Crater Lake where Bjork performed a concert on a barge in the middle of the lake. I think this is part of the Golden Circle Tour.

Back in 1988, a young strapping lad just out of college, I was really digging on the Sugarcubes and I remember thinking how cool it would be to travel to Iceland. A mere 23 years later, an old sagging lad gets to go. Thanks for getting this going Parhams, can't wait.

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