Yesterday the Putz's and Luke took a ride on Icelandic horses. They are very short horses but very powerful, and as I guide suggested don't call them ponies - it makes them. Icelandic horses are just barely the height it takes to be called a horse.
The horses had Icelandic names except for Tim's which was .... Shadow. Icelandic names just can't seem to stick in our minds so there were two horse M's a Two horse L's, a horse T and ... Shadow.
Riding them was a lot of fun. We walked for a while and then started to do more tolting. The tolt is trot of the Icelandic horse and it's pretty jarring. Some soreness for sure tomorrow. Roseann mentioned she felt like she was going to come off the saddle at any second, but from my vantage point, she looked like National Velvet. That's not the horse right ?
The kids did great, Abbey was a kick to watch. Nick wanted to go in the fast group. Grace's horse was a bit unpredictable. Luke liked to steer his horse to each side. The scenery was fantastic, with rolling hills of lava rock and a few covered in the purple Nootka lupine. We rode past lots of Icelandic country houses. Beautiful ride.
Don't call them ponies because it will make them.... what?